Regular chapels are held in Shortess Chapel.
Locations for Women's & Men's Chapels: February 19
- Men - Hoke
- Women - Shortess
Locations for Advisor/Advisee Chapels: January 22 and April 9
- College of ICS majors - Fisher 206
- College of Education majors - Schuster 221
- Business Admin & Sports Management majors - Shortess Chapel
- Nursing majors - Pamplin Auditorium in McQuilkin Building
- Bible, Middle Eastern Studies, AA/Certificate - Fisher 202
- Youth Min, Family & Culture majors - Memorial Lobby
- Bible Teaching majors - Fisher 203
- Biology, Chemistry, Health Sciences majors - Hoke Auditorium
- Communication, DMC, Media Arts & Social Media Strat majors - TV Studio in Ridderhoff 2nd floor
- English, Humanities & Philosophy majors - Ridderhoff lobby on 2nd floor
- Music, Music Ed & Worship Arts majors - Choir room in Ridderhoff (behind Hoke Aud on 1st floor)
- Human Services & Psychology majors - Fisher 102
- Undecided - Pick one of the above that you are interested in
Grad Life Chapel: Pamplin Auditorium