Overview of the Add/Drop Courses Portlet

Add/Drop Courses is a robust portlet that allows the user to view a list of classes the institution offered or is offering for a selected Year and Term (a single Session).

The Registration Administrator or designee should be responsible for the Add/Drop Courses portlet setup.

When the user is logged in as a "Student" and the Add/Drop Courses portlet is accessed from a context where the Student role is required

·       A page displays information including the courses in which the student is already confirmed as enrolled.

·       Course Details are displayed when the user clicks the course link.

·       The My Account Info link displays account balances and course and fee statements.

·       Student can access the Add/Drop Courses page where they can register for a course.

·       Student can access the Course Search page where a variety of criteria can be selected to filter the list of courses.

When the user is logged in as a "Guest" or "Candidate" and the Add/Drop Courses portlet is accessed from the public view or a Candidate page

·       The user can view course information, and certain courses can be made available for public registration.

·       The user must have a user name and password to be able to log in to register for a public registration class. Also, the JICS administrator must place the Public Registration and Add/Drop Courses portlets in the same "Guest" role.

·       Courses can be flagged as courses for which payment must be made before the registration status becomes "Current."

Add/Drop Courses

The Add/Drop Courses screen lets you register for courses and/or drop courses from your schedule. It also allows advisors to approve courses before registration.

Course Search

The Course Search screen lets you select criteria to filter the list of courses, which is displayed on the Course Search Results screen. You can click on links to view information about the course [such as the Status (Open, Full, or Waitlisted)]. You can also view other courses in the department and information about the faculty.

If a course's status is Waitlisted, it means there are open seats in the course but one or more students have already been waitlisted for the course.

Course(s) Requiring Payment

Courses that display in the Course(s) Requiring Payment section of the Course Schedules portlet require payment in full before the registration is considered complete. These courses are defined as Must Pay Courses and remain in a "Reserved" status until the course fee is paid in full. Depending on your organization's configuration settings, the course may automatically be dropped after a certain time period if the course fee(s) have not been paid. E-mail notifications may be sent to the student notifying them that the course will be dropped.

A Must Pay course has a status of "Reserved" instead of "Current"; therefore, it is not considered actually registered until it is paid in full. At that time, the status is updated to "Current."
Multiple course fees may be defined for a single course. A single course row for each Must Pay course will display, and a combined total of associated course fees will be calculated and displayed as the required payment amount.